A hypocrite is someone who criticizes you for the stuff you do despite doing or defending similar or worse shit. For example imagine someone is actively criticizing you for eating candy, you then point out that they eat licorice* (not liquid LMAO) all the time and they say "well that's different".
Some people also may be violent in their response. Imagine you accidentally forget to knock while you opened your roommate's door, nothing happened but they could have been changing. Your roommate doesn't exactly have the best history of knocking on doors, but they yell at you to knock on doors. You then bring up how they don't exactly have a good history of knocking on doors, to which they respond by to evict you.
Sometimes it may be you that be the hypocrite Say someone in your house doesn't vote and you get mad at them criticize them for it, butt then they bring up the fact that you don't vote and then you get angry. You're the hypocrite becaise you're actively criticizing someone for their beliefs despite you having those same ones.
Or say that you hate cars despite the fact that you keep asking people for a ride. Is it true that you hate cars or you're just lazy? It's fine if you don't like cars and prefer to travel by bike instead, it's also fine if you don't have a car and you need help with stuff due to cicrcumstances, I think you look like a major asshat if you do that though.
But what isn't hypocrisy? Imagine you're fighting for someone's rights, or you're calling someone out for something despicable they did. Someone then brings up something terrible you did in the past, which you admit fault to and regret doing, but it's not hypocrisy as long as you're still not doing what you're doing in the past. That just means you've changed.
But if they're knowingly doing something or defending someone who's done an equal or worse crime while calling you out, then that makes them the hypocrite, not you. Because they're willing to let the other person get off scott free because the other person is their friend, or they're trying to do it for clout.
And that, my good friend, is hypocrisy. While I may believe in second chances, some people have just proven themselves unworthy of one, and trust me when I say that I've really tried forgiving people that aren't worthy of forgiveness.