When people goad you for whatever fucking reason but then play the victim and smear you as an asshole for lashing out at them, regardless of if you actually did shit or not. 🖕
Like, oh boohoo. You were the one who instigated it, bozo. You shouldn't have fucking done that. I bet you feel like a bitch, dontcha? Someone on Reddit of all places did this before I called them out for boot-licking a domestic abuser. They then pulled up some edgy shit from my past that I'm not proud of, trying to claim moral superiority when they did that shit, to which I proceeded to send them the Reddit suicide thing; because anyone who does that type of shit (performative activism) should honestly carve a pentagram on their ass and pour hot sauce on it.
Kein mehrheit für die mitleid.
(had to rewrite the post because the stupid middle finger emoji erased the post)