I miss her, genuinely. She was so funny, talented, quirky, etc. I genuinely felt a connection to her. I'll try not to be obsessive because I don't want to look like a weird-ass, but I had planned to have a life with her... and we kinda just, took it away from each other. It pained me to say what I said about her, and it pained me what she said about me too, but someone had to do it. If I could have the idea of her back, I would, but not the person she is. I may meet someone similar to her and not her exactly down to a T, and that's okay!
Look, it's okay to still be fond of the memories you may have had with someone, but it's generally not a good idea to reconnect with them; even if you both really miss each other. If you're out there, wherever you are; while I want nothing to do with you anymore, I wish things didn't end out like this, I too didn't want to end things on a bad note... it may be too late, but god the pain is unbearable.
I miss you dearly, but we're better off without each other, I've come to accept this harsh truth.
I just wanted to say that I am positively surprised how maturely you are handling this. I know how it feels and it's not a good feeling. It makes you say and do very irrational things, because it hurts so much. (It 'will' hurt less in time...)
Reading that this is a "Vent Post" I came here looking to give you some advice and maybe some hope. Instead, by showing that some people 'can' actually act mature and handle their emotions.
'You' gave hope 'to me'.
Thank you, Florisgrad! I wish you the best.