These past 4-5 years have been way too exhausting for me, maybe even further than that. I've been getting into drama with horrible people left and right, and I feel miserable. I've always felt I couldn't do anything about it, while there was nothing I could really do. I've tried to talk to some people privately to resolve shit with them in a civilized manner, and they'd refuse and start acting like trolls, I hate it so much.
Not this year, for I've made it my resolution to just... avoid the drama, avoid the trolls, avoid the toxicity, etc. I don't want to deal with this shit anymore, and I don't have to. I'm so tired of these drama kings/queens instigating shit, and this year it will stop. It doesn't help Trump is back in power, and I'll likely see more trolls appear because of it... but I'll deal with them. This will be my year.